A Beautiful View From The Property

Small Hunting/Mining cabin already on site. All 100 Acres has terrific hunting and observation opportunities for a variety of Elk, Deer, Moose, Wild Turkey and Wolves.

The 100 Acres are a lifetime lease and transferable even each of the five twenty Acre divisions for a total of 100 Acres. All are in line and connected to each border post markers etc. See picture map: 5 (20 acre plots)  X  20 = 100 Total Acres

Business Plan & Prospectus for Yukon Mine


Money investment to be used for the following:

1. Drill 1500 feet of diamond drill exploration to intersect main tunnel vein structure. Log core, assay and record. Bid estimate $110,000 from Clark Fork Drilling. Objective: To drill three separate drill angles laid out by Richard Morris to determine length, width and value of main vein. Drill site has been selected and reviewed by Forest Service. Drill hole evaluations could substantially increase investor holdings overnight in value of overall property.

2. Clean out main tunnel access for inside drill work to complement outside drill work. Objective: To complement what is known now on vein length, width and value and be able to actually mine existing vein from already in place vein structure from inside tunnel.

3. Update existing bulk crusher and existing impact mill, installing current new 10 HP electric motor, plus purchase a new cone concentrator. Objective: To bring in revenue and prove mine production method from previous assay work.

4. Continue mining exploration and evaluation work to interest possible other mining companies to purchase thru cash and/or shares a buyout.

Info on 100 Acres at Yukon Mines:

3 ft. Wide Vein

35 ft. Long

100 ft. Deep

Total 10,500 Cubic Feet Equals 1,166 Cubic Yards

One Cubic Yard Ton

1,166 Ton X .4 Ounce Gold Ton

466 Ounces Gold

466 x $1300 Gold Per Ounce

$605,800 Total Gross

These are forward statements only and may or may not be actual values depending on mining techniques and ore processing recovery.

Equipment Purchase Updates as of 2023:

3 Axel Trailer

2 Ton a Day Jaw Crusher

5 Ton a Day Stutenroth Impact Mill

Fomer Design Patent on Centrifugal Cone Separator

Drill Updates as of 2023:

Pend Oreille Lake five claims update: Have finished up for 1500 feet of diamond drill permit process with US Forest Service

Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho for claim site.

Yukon Mines Plan of Operations:

1. Five gold and silver claims at Lakeview Mining District Idaho. Drilling program in process for next season to confirm additional present gold assays of 1/2 ounce per ton and the extent of vein distance.

2. Thorium project claims being looked at in North Idaho a few miles to the north.

3. Unusual position of a late date custom ball and float mill within mining areas useable at $15,00 per ton process fee. This mill is owned by Shoshone gold and Silver Mining Company and is useable.


  • We are currently taking offers for Yukon Mine and the mining/recreational/hunting etc. 100 acres that does not require full mining operations going on to accommodate living there. In the meantime, we will be doing new drill site evaluations of more potential reserves by a licensed  local drilling  company. Our licensed geologist will log and assay our core samples from drill holes that intersect existing vein at  further depth and location from main tunnel ore vein. We can process small amounts of raw ore ourselves and obtain actual gold from smelting, as already seen and valuated on website above.

Mid size mining companies are always looking for new promising gold projects to add to their existing holdings and pay for such acquisitions in cash and stock in their company, thereby increasing the value of our investors in our company.

Director of Operations:

James Scheller, Director of Operations | (503) 632-4422 | jamesischeller@gmail.com

B. S. in Engineering Washington State University

Former President Shoshone Gold And Silver Mining Co.

Patent holder and Director of two companies.



Geologist for Yukon Mines:

Richard W. Morris of Spokane, Washington | (509) 993-3514

M.S. Geology University of Texas at El Paso, 1974

B.S. Geology University of Texas at El Paso, 1968


Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration—50 years

Legion of Honor member

Registered professional Geologist Idaho—36 years

Idaho Association of Professional Geologists


Worked 40 years in mine, field and project experience in the mining industry in production exploration and field jobs at both surface and underground operations.

Richard did core logging, mapping, sampling, rig sitting on drill operations at both surface and underground mines on core and R.C. Drills setting up and running drill programs and ore control work. Supervisory experience.


Nevada Goldfields Inc., Bureau of Land Management, U. S. Bureau of Mines, Sunshine Mining Co. and Barrick Goldstrike Meikle Mine.

For more info on Yukon Mines: Call James Scheller (503) 632-4422 | jamesischeller@gmail.com

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